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Macular Degeneration Treatment

Personalized Macular Degeneration Care

We want you to see clearly. Giving you the best vision and eye health is our goal. We have state-of-the-art technology and compassionate optometrists to diagnose and manage your macular degeneration. We’ll work with you to formulate the best macular degeneration treatment, and have you seeing clearly!

What Is Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration, or Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), is a progressive condition that affects the macula, a small but vital part of the retina that is responsible for central vision.

There are two forms of AMD.

  1. Dry AMD – this is the gradual breakdown of the macula.
  2. Wet AMD – the growth of abnormal blood vessels beneath the Macula.

Macular Degeneration Symptoms

Many people don’t know they have this condition until macular degeneration symptoms appear, such as the lessening of your sight in the middle of your vision. This means that irreparable damage has already happened.

Other symptoms include hazy or fuzzy vision, an inability to recognise faces, difficulty seeing things up close and far away, a central blind spot or straight lines which look wavy.


What is macular degeneration?
What is dry eye?
Do you have macular degeneration?
Could you have dry eye?

Do You Have Macular Degeneration?

There is no known cure for macular degeneration. The best course is to have regular comprehensive eye examinations. We can detect early signs of AMD and prescribe a course of action to support and maintain your retinal health. This can include supplements for your diet to keep your eyes healthy.

Keep Your Vision Protected

We treat AMD before it can harm your vision!

Learn more about how Classic Vision Care can diagnose and treat your AMD.

What Treatment Is Available?

There is no cure for AMD, so the best way to remain ahead of the damage it causes is to catch it early in a comprehensive eye exam. From there, we’ll customize a plan that allows us to monitor your condition and stay on top of your eye health. And because we believe in well-rounded care, we also prescribe supplements as part of your daily regimen to support your retinal health and fight against AMD. With the help of our knowledgeable experts who put you first, you’ll always have the support and solutions you need!

Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology

We approach macular degeneration in a way that’s proactive, not reactive, by doing in-depth screenings for all kinds of ocular diseases, including AMD. We use specialized methods, like optical coherence tomography, fundus photography, and slit lamp examinations to get high resolution images and a magnified firsthand view of your inner eye. This way, we can spot AMD — even before it’s done damage — and monitor it between visits.

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Individualized Management Plans

Individualized Management Plans

Our practice has never believed in simply diagnosing you and then sending you away without a detailed eye care plan. If you have AMD, we’ll learn about you and your eyes, and identify anything that poses a risk to your macula. We’ll also fold in other diet and activity recommendations to your management plan that can help you stay ahead of AMD.

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One of the ways we treat macular degeneration is by prescribing nutraceuticals, which provide the necessary vitamins, minerals, and ingredients proven to help slow its progression and fortify your retina against damage. Our doctors know exactly which trusted supplements to recommend as part of your defense against AMD and will educate you on how they keep your eyes and vision healthy.

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Why Choose Us?

Our top goal is to always protect your vision, and that’s especially true when it comes to sight-threatening conditions like macular degeneration. Our eye doctors only use the most cutting-edge technology to diagnose AMD, so you’ll never have to worry about anything getting overlooked. We’ll get to know you and your needs, and then see to it that our management plans safeguard your vision for years to come.

Classic Vision Care Building
What is dry eye?
Do you have macular degeneration?
Could you have dry eye?

Our Other Eye Care Services

Classic Vision Care is here to help you with all sorts of vision-related complications.

Dry Eye conditions occur when you don’t produce enough tears, or your tears evaporate too quickly. It is annoying and frustrating, but a dry eye can actually lead to scratching of your cornea.

Astigmatism is an imperfection of your eye, causing poor vision at different distances, blurred vision, eye strain and headaches. Untreated, astigmatism can lead to further complications.

We can fit you with some stylish eyeglasses and prescription sunglasses. While we’re excellent at diagnosing and helping with eye conditions, we’re also here to help fit you with glasses that fit your face shape and style, and help you with sunglasses to further protect your eyes from damaging UV rays. 



Is Macular Degeneration Hereditary?

Macular degeneration has a hereditary component, with certain genetic variations increasing the risk. However, it’s not solely determined by genetics, as other factors like age, smoking, obesity, and cardiovascular disease also play a role.

What Causes Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration is primarily associated with aging and damage to the macula. Factors like genetics, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, and poor diet can contribute to its development.

What Are The Early Warning Signs Of Macular Degeneration?

Early signs include blurred or distorted central vision, difficulty reading, problems recognizing faces, and the need for brighter light for close-up tasks. Wet macular degeneration may cause wavy lines or dark spots in your central vision.