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Diabetic Eye Testing in Marietta & Kennesaw, GA

Your Partner Against Diabetic Eye Diseases

Diabetes can have a profound impact on the eyes. Our doctors understand this delicate relationship well, as it relates to eye diseases like diabetic retinopathy. In fact, eye doctors are sometimes the first to diagnose diabetes during eye exams, before its signs are even noticeable. Whether diabetes has been a part of your daily life for years or you’re just now learning about its effects on your body, we provide compassionate, in-depth care to protect your vision from lasting harm.

What Eye Problems Are Associated With Diabetes?

There are a number of different conditions a diabetic can suffer with their eyes. Diabetic retinopathy is the main one, but there are other conditions as well. A diabetic eye exam from Classic Vision Care can help discover and diagnose them.

 Diabetic Retinopathy.

What is it?

As its name implies, diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease that affects your retina. This key structure is located in the back of your eye and converts light into signals that get sent to your brain. Diabetic retinopathy damages the retina by degrading its blood vessels, causing them to leak, swell, or lose circulation. This condition makes it harder to see, and if its left to progress, it can result in complete blindness.

Diabetic Retinopathy Illustration
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Woman hands on head and holding glasses
Could you have dry eye?

Do You Have Diabetic Retinopathy?

Some diabetic patients are more likely to develop diabetic retinopathy than others, particularly those who are African American, Latino, or Native American. People with high blood pressure and those who smoke are also more susceptible to the disease. There are no early symptoms of diabetic retinopathy, but once it has started to progress, you may notice:
  • Blurred vision due to the swelling of the retina.
  • Floaters. Specks or spots which float across your vision can be caused by blood leakage.
  • Dark or empty vision spots. If blood vessels leak into the vitreous, it can cause dark spots in your vision, or ‘empty’ areas.
  • Impaired Color Vision. You may struggle to perceive colors as brightly as before.
  • Vision Loss. If left untreated, this symptom is most noticeable.
  • Diabetic Macular Edema (DME)

    What is it?

    DME is a complication springing from diabetic retinopathy where fluid accumulates in the macula, the central part of the eye, which is responsible for sharp vision. The swelling can result in distorted or blurred vision.

    What are the symptoms?

    • Blurred vision. Because of the swelling in the macula, the sharpness of vision is reduced.
    • Reduced Visual Activity. As the macula swells, it can be challenging to see fine details, resulting in reduced visual acuity.
    • Color perception changes. DME can impact your ability to distinguish colors accurately.
    • Vision Fluctuations. Your vision can alternate from periods of sharpness to times of dull vision.
    • Dark spots. Some people suffering from DME may experience dark spots in their vision.
    Man scratching eyes
    A white wall
    Do you have Glaucoma?
    Could you have dry eye?


    What is it?

    Diabetics have a higher risk of developing cataracts at a younger age. Cataracts is a clouding of the eye’s lens. It means blurred vision, or, if left untreated, vision loss.

    What are the symptoms?

    • Blurred vision. Your vision will start to seem like you’re looking through a foggy window.
    • Sensitivity to Light. Bright lights or glare, during sunlight or street lights at night, will begin to bother you
    • Difficulty with Night Vision. Impaired vision during low-light situations.
    • Faded or dull colors. Colors may seem less vibrant, and contrast colors may become less apparent.
    • Double Vision. Some cataracts can result in double vision, which resolves when one eye is closed.
    • Halos around lights. Seeing halos or rings around lights, especially at night.

    What Occurs During A Diabetic Eye Exam?

    A diabetic eye exam, also known as a comprehensive dilated eye exam, is a specialized examination used to assess the eye health of individuals with diabetes. During the exam, the eye care professional follows a specific process to detect and monitor diabetic eye complications.
      1. Medical History: We begin by reviewing the patient’s medical history, including their diabetes management and any existing eye conditions.
      2. Visual Acuity Test: The patient’s vision is evaluated using an eye chart to assess clarity and sharpness.
      3. Pupil Dilation: The eye care professional administers eye drops to dilate the pupils, allowing a better view of the retina.
      4. Retinal Examination: Using specialized instruments and a bright light, the doctor examines the retina and optic nerve for signs of diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema (DME), and other eye conditions.
      5. Intraocular Pressure Measurement: The pressure inside the eye is checked to screen for glaucoma.
      6. Fluorescein Angiography or OCT: In some cases, additional tests like fluorescein angiography or optical coherence tomography (OCT) may be performed to provide more detailed images of the retina.

        A diabetic eye exam differs from a regular eye exam as it focuses specifically on detecting and monitoring diabetic eye complications like diabetic retinopathy and DME. The pupil dilation and detailed retinal examination allow for a more thorough assessment of the retina, which is crucial for early detection and appropriate management of diabetic eye diseases.

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    A white wall

    Diagnostics & Solutions 

    It’s critical to get annual comprehensive eye exams so we can catch your diabetic eye diseases early, especially because it doesn’t produce signs until irreversible vision loss has taken place. We’re equipped with the finest technology to spot key indicators of diabetic retinopathy, and we’ll form a plan to keep your sight healthy if we find it.

    Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment

    • Laser Treatment. Laser photocoagulation or focal laser treatment can help seal leaking blood vessels or prevent their growth.
    • Intravitreal Injections. Medications injected into the eye can reduce swelling and abnormal blood vessel growth
    • Vitrectomy. In advanced cases, a vitrectomy may be performed to remove blood and scar tissue from the eye.

    Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) Treatment

    • Anti-VEGF Injections: Medications like ranibizumab (Lucentis) or aflibercept (Eylea) can reduce macular swelling.
    • Corticosteroid Implants: Implantable devices release steroids to decrease inflammation and swelling.

    Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment

    • Cataract Surgery: The clouded lens is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens.

    Advanced Technology

    Advanced Technology

    We use the technological gold standards in eye care to diagnose and keep track of diabetic eye diseases. Our doctors use optical coherence tomography (OCT), a slit lamp, and fundus photography to get a crystal-clear look inside your eye to evaluate its health. We’ll explain our findings and how they inform our personalized care plans and track any changes between appointments.

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    Personalized Management Plans

    Personalized Management Plans

    There are many factors that can affect your diabetes, and we pay attention to the details when creating your diabetic retinopathy treatment plan. We’ll learn all about your dietary habits, restrictions, and activity levels so we can suggest adjustments to limit your risk factors. We’ll also guide you through the best ways to keep your blood sugar at the right level and help you take other precautions to protect your vision in the long run!

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    Fortifying your retina with supplements is a great way to remain proactive against the effects of diabetic retinopathy. Certain blends of nutraceuticals have been shown to improve your chances of keeping your vision in tip-top shape, either as a preventative measure in your diabetic regimen, or as a complement to your management plan.

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    Why Choose Classic Vision Care?

    We’ll keep your retina safe while helping you manage your diabetes. As your trusted partners in eye care, our doctors go above and beyond to look after your eyes and health when it comes to your diabetic retinopathy treatment. With the aid of advanced tech and a true passion for helping you get the most out of your vision, our diabetic eye care specialists have you covered!
    Why choose Classic Vision Care for Diabetic Eyecare
    Why choose classic vision care?



    Can Diabetic Retinopathy Be Reversed?

    Diabetic retinopathy can be managed, and its progression can be slowed or halted with early detection and appropriate treatment. However, once retinal damage occurs, it cannot be completely reversed. Timely interventions, such as laser treatment or anti-VEGF injections, can help preserve vision and prevent further deterioration.

    What Are The Four Stages Of Diabetic Retinopathy?
    1. Mild Nonproliferative Retinopathy: Microaneurysms and small areas of blood vessel leakage occur in the retina.
    2. Moderate Nonproliferative Retinopathy: Blood vessels that nourish the retina become blocked, leading to decreased blood supply and potential swelling.
    3. Severe Nonproliferative Retinopathy: More blood vessels are blocked, causing extensive areas of the retina to be deprived of blood supply.
    4. Proliferative Retinopathy: New blood vessels grow in the retina, but they are weak and prone to bleeding. Scar tissue may also form, leading to retinal detachment and severe vision loss.
    Can Diet Help Reverse The Effects Of Diabetic Retinopathy?
    Diet alone cannot reverse the effects of Diabetic Retinopathy. However, for a diabetic, a healthy diet plays an important role in managing the risks of complications with your vision.

    By maintaining a good diet, and good sugar levels, you can slow the progression of any diabetic-related eye conditions, including Diabetic Retinopathy.