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How To Choose The Right Sports Eyewear

How To Choose The Right Sports Eyewear

As a sports lover, you understand how important it is to take good care of yourself so you can be at the top of your game. Practice and exercise, taking high-quality supplements and eating right – all these considerations come into play. And let’s not forget your...
Choosing the Most Comfortable Glasses for You

Choosing the Most Comfortable Glasses for You

It’s important for your confidence and sense of self to choose just the right pair of frames for your glasses – you want them to look right for your face and express your personality. We generally leave the lenses to the optician and focus all our attention on those...
How to choose glasses that flatter your face shape

How to choose glasses that flatter your face shape

If you wear glasses, then you know that your frames are one of the first things people notice. Your glasses tell others about your style and how you see yourself (no pun intended). So, naturally, you want to make sure that your frames not only fit you and feel good,...